Saturday, 28 April 2012

Flash and Thunder Strike

To all our tough mudders, brothers and sisters,

We are a duo of fitness nuts known as Flash and Thunder from Perth, Western Australia, and our aim is to take on grueling mental and physical challenges while raising money for charity along the way. Our goals aren't based on time, speed or distance but on all round mental and physical toughness and to complete our goals as a team, showing mate-ship, endurance, courage and sacrifice. This blog will allow you to read about our preparation for each event and follow us week by week in our training schedule. Our first goal is to tackle an event called 'Tough Mudder' held in Sydney on September 22nd 2012, and we have the privilege of being able to fund raise for Wheelchair Sports WA.

Tough Mudder is a world renowned event that tests every aspect of the competitor’s mental and physical composition. The event in Sydney will consist of a 20km run through hard terrain (mud, ice, sand, oil etc.) with 20 military style obstacles designed by British Special Forces. Tough Mudder is not about racing, comparing times and winning but to test both mental and physical strength, grit, persistence and camaraderie. Tough Mudder cannot be completed individually; you must have mates to help you through in every aspect. Tough Mudder was recently held in Melbourne earlier this year, play the clip below to preview the type of challenges we will be tackling in Sydney later this year.

Wheelchair Sports WA is committed to improving the health and well-being of Western Australians living with a physical disability via engagement in lifestyle, recreational and sporting activities. We chose this cause to fund raise for not only for the fact that we have family members and friends that participate at Wheelchair Sports WA, but also because the tremendous physical and mental spirit shown by participants to overcome personal barriers and achieve their goals. We are proud to be able to assist Wheelchair Sports WA as they are an association that demonstrates similar values as us in mate-ship, courage, endurance and sacrifice.

We have set up a fundraising page with Everyday Heroes, where the public can donate directly to Wheelchair Sports WA, our aim is to raise $3000 before September 22nd 2012 -

We are also looking for corporate sponsors to assist us to be able to take on these challenges and ultimately raise money for a fantastic cause, if you are able to assist feel free to contact us. 

Hopefully you follow us over the coming months and track our progress for Tough Mudder - Sydney 2012. Soon we will announce our next challenge to be held in 2013, any ideas what it might be?

147 days to go.

- Flash and Thunder


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